Bonus – Ask Me Anything Zoom Recordings Copy

Bonus – “Ask Me Anything” with Matthew – Fall 2018

Please note that Matthew only did this ONE “Ask Me Anything”!

Bonus – “Ask Me Anything” with Sherri – Fall 2018

Bonus – “Ask Me Anything” with Sherri – Spring 2019

Bonus – “Ask Me Anything” with Sherri – Fall 2019

Bonus – “Ask Me Anything” with Sherri – Spring 2020

Bonus – “Ask Me Anything” with Sherri – Fall 2020

PLEASE REMEMBER that we have not granted ANY rights to ANYONE to use any part of these videos or audio files outside of watching and/or listening in this embedded player or in the course portal at this website, as a PAID student in THIS course. You are not allowed to duplicate, use, nor share this content in ANY WAY, whatsoever, without EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT from both Dr. Sherri Tenpenny AND Matthew J. Hunt. Zoom Webinars are for PAID STUDENTS ONLY. We reserve the right to remove (“kick”, “boot”, etc.) ANYONE from the webinar and we also reserve the right to BAN any user from returning to any webinar or class participation, thus forfeiting your registration fees. TROLLS AND RUDE COMMENTS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.
Copyright 2022 – Requeza, LLC – Courses4Mastery – Learning4You