You agree that you are participating AT YOUR OWN RISK. All recreational outdoor activities, including hiking, have inherent risks. By registering and/or participating in a challenge or event that we sponsor, you agree that Requeza, LLC, Matthew Hunt, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Learning4You and all related entities and their owners will not be held liable for any losses, damages and/or injuries while participating. Please know your own physical limits and abilities, and, above all else, keep safety a top priority.
Hiking alone / Solo Hiking is a BAD IDEA and we DO NOT recommend it. If you insist on doing so, you do so at your own risk and liability.
You agree that your entrance fee/course fee is non-refundable. If you do not complete any segment of the challenge, you forfeit your entrance fee as a donation to Learning4You/Requeza, LLC.
Be kind and courteous to your fellow Challengers. You agree to use kindness and restraint when communicating with other Challengers whether that communication is in a video conference, within the site’s forums, by email, or otherwise. Trolls will not be tolerated… at all.
Administrator Rights: Admins and operators of the Learning4You site have the absolute right to remove, restrict, or block ANY member for any reason they see fit. Follow the rules and terms here, and you will not have a problem!
An acceptable hike is OUTDOORS and NOT part of your regular routine. The minimum distance for any acceptable hike is a half-mile total distance and it is preferred that you follow established trails, though not necessary. Urban Hikes ARE acceptable. For example, walking your dog around the neighborhood as part of your daily routine is NOT a hike. Walking a treadmill or stair-stepper at home or at a gym is NOT a hike.
You MUST participate in the discussion forum for your challenge or the Telegram channel. If you have not posted anything in either one, we will not send your awards until you have done so.
We offer support via direct email. You MUST contact us via to receive assistance. Our team will do their best to assist you and work toward a fruitful experience for you.
Know the specific rules in place WHERE YOU PLAN TO HIKE. Some Side Quests deal with fire and cooking. KNOW if you are allowed to do these things in your particular area, park, or trail. DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK. We will not be held liable for any damage you cause to yourself or any property.
Side Quests are optional “experience enhancers”. You do NOT have to do any of those. Certain challenges are only available to you during a particular segment of your hiking journey. Follow the terms for each Side Quest to have them awarded.
Your progress is determined by your submitted log sheets and you are on the honor system to be truthful. Fabricating log entries ruins your experience. Don’t do it!
By registering for the challenge/course and using our website or other assets to access this challenge, you agree to any and all terms and conditions we express here or any future additions and/or corrections that may arise –with or without prior notice.