00:00:51 Bruce Bleakley: Hi Cookie & all 00:01:16 Carol Rogers: Hello! 00:01:57 Julieanne Case: Anyone here yet? 00:02:12 Carol Rogers: Looking forward to Saturday! 00:03:28 Julia B: Will an email signup arrive? 00:04:04 Donna Smeal: I got my zoom registration email, Cookie 00:04:06 Julia B: Aah 00:04:11 Carrie Madej: Cookie - check your text please 00:05:44 Julia B: Gorgeous 00:07:16 Carol Rogers: Children of The King of Kings with all of the benefits! 00:07:53 Jennifer Walters: Hello everyone from Los Angeles! xoxo 00:08:32 Maralyne Catalano: Greetings all. From Quartz Hill, California. 00:09:09 mary shannon: Hello from Oregon, The Home of the Ducks! 00:09:10 Jennifer Walters: You can come out here anytime Cookie! 00:09:52 Jennifer Walters: @Cookie: How about I come out and get you Cookie and we will go find Dr Madej! lol 00:10:46 Paul Gosselin: galvanized 00:11:29 Cookie: Jennifer don't invite me if you are not going to open the door when I show up, lol. šŸ¤£šŸ˜˜šŸ„° 00:12:07 Siegmar Schmidt: as a crown over the head? 00:12:20 Sarah Hescheles: Hello from Michigan šŸ™‚ 00:12:50 Paul Gosselin: True healing ? Starts with caring 00:13:14 Shannon Viall: Hello from North Carolina šŸ˜Š 00:13:26 Mark Greenberg: Hi from NJ 00:14:36 Paul Gosselin: Why do physicians not share their pearls ? $$$ 00:15:09 Jennifer Walters: Amen. 00:15:33 jean h: @Dr Madej, We got a juvent - LOVE it! Do you have recommendations for a rife???? 00:15:57 Jennifer Walters: @Cookie You are always invited family and all! Itā€™s a small home in chaos but you are always welcome!!!! lol 00:16:08 Julia B: Is there a code for a discount on a Juvent? 00:16:31 Siegmar Schmidt: could we start please 00:16:53 Jennifer Walters: NOOOOO! Time flies! 00:18:16 Cookie: @Siegmar, patience please. 00:19:09 Siegmar Schmidt: thanks 00:20:12 Paul Gosselin: Hi Larry I miss your loving innocence 00:26:30 Susan Holmes: HEATHER THANKS!!!! Got in 00:26:58 Dr. Larry Palevsky: Hi Paul!!! Nice to see you tonight! 00:27:04 Heather: OH YEAH! So glad you received the linkā€¦sorry I wasnā€™t able to get it you sooner. 00:29:29 Susan Holmes: Dr Madej you were almost aborted too! 00:29:36 Jennifer Walters: My Mommy had one when I was born. So glad she lived! She left us in 2019 and wasnā€™t afraid, she had ā€œbeen there beforeā€ā€¦ 00:33:48 Donna El Haber: https://www.amazon.com/Life-After-Bestselling-Investigation-Experiences/dp/006242890X I have heard Dr. Raymond Moody talk several times and he did work with the author Danion Brinkley, who wrote a book called "Saved by the Light." Danion is an amazing speaker and devoted a good part of hi life to hospice work. There are many movies on this and other similar subjects on Amazon Prime and on Gaia TV . 00:35:23 Donna El Haber: Jason Shurka also has lots of information on his UNIFYD TV site for its members. His talks with Ray of the TLS are very interesting. Ray is the author of The Pyramid Code and works for the TLS. 00:36:00 Donna El Haber: I think Anita Moorjani tells her NDE experiences in her book, "Dying to be Me." She used to do tours with Dr. Wayne Dyer. 00:38:10 Jennifer Walters: I think the ā€œbad guysā€ that are trying to control the world know all about these electromagnetic fields and plasma fields and the power of water and so onā€¦SO, we need to study all these things so we can use our power to keep evil at bay! 00:40:37 Jennifer Walters: I would like to transfigure myself 15lbs lighter. ; ) 00:40:53 Donna El Haber: I love the work of Veda Austin in her experiments with ice. It's quite amazing. There are many talks and interviews. Here is one of them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ikj1DgZW7UI. I will never feel the same about ice after listening to what she shares. It is pure consciousness. 00:41:26 Susan Holmes: Jennifer by x2šŸ¤£ 00:44:48 Donna El Haber: BTW, Costco is selling a very big wind chime that is harmonized. It's amazing -- very heavenly. We bought a second one. 00:45:45 Jennifer Walters: Yes @Donna, veda is awesome. she just did a long interview with Alex Zeck on his YT channel ā€œThe Way Forwardā€ 00:46:01 Lisa Goodwin: Thanks for mentioning @Donna, saw in passing today, didnā€™t realize it was harmonized, will check it out! 00:46:58 Donna El Haber: This is another wind chime manufacturer whose wind chimes are lovely (and a bit expensive). They have lots of audios to see what might resonate for you: https://windriverchimes.com/pages/corinthian-bells. 00:47:46 Donna El Haber: Jennifer I heard Veda talking to Sacha Stone. I would like to get the materials to do my own experiments. You can create your own ice for healing that you can eat. :-) 00:50:37 Jennifer Walters: Donna she talked about it on that show. I have so many plans for my ice cubes! 00:50:52 Donna El Haber: Bravo Jennifer! 00:53:04 Jennifer Walters: Alison McDowell has a lot of information about research on photonics, crystallography and the like. She has a channel on YouTube as wellā€¦ 00:53:22 Donna El Haber: So many shows and movies demonstrate this like the series called Manifest where twins were separated. One went on a trip with the father and came back many years younger than his sister, etc. 00:54:12 Donna El Haber: Love Alison McDowell. I have only heard her talk about block chains: www.wrenchinthegears.com. I think that's her website. 00:54:44 Jennifer Walters: Yes that is her site. Tons of info. 00:57:05 Donna El Haber: Just began going to services at the Self Realization Fellowship and love the teachings of Yogananda. He's very inclusive. There is a movie about his life on Gaia TV called AWAKE: the life of Yogananda. I am going to see a movie this weekend about what some of his disciples and devotees experienced. 00:58:11 Jennifer Walters: Wonderful Dr Carrie! 00:58:50 Kathy Milchak: Unfortunately came in late. This is an amazing talk. Looking forward to re-watching. 00:59:23 Donna El Haber: Here is the Self Realization Fellowship website that has locations all around the country and the world: https://yogananda.org/. 00:59:36 Paul Gosselin: The remnant GOD choose us in the room 00:59:40 Jennifer Walters: Kathy, I always re-watch anyway! It was a great lecture. : ) 01:00:19 Kathy Milchak: Yes, Jennifer. :) 01:00:40 Maralyne Catalano: Weā€™ve been hijacked on all levels. 01:00:47 Heather: @Paul, Amen & Amen šŸ™šŸ» 01:01:14 Kathy Milchak: Yes, hijacked. 01:01:32 Jennifer Walters: Yes, my homeschooled boys think very differently than their public school peers. Not that they are super geniuses but they know truth and God. 01:01:39 Maralyne Catalano: But I feel that hijacking is breaking down. 01:01:45 Susan Holmes: I want to get a Rife Machine! Anyone have a recommendation? 01:01:47 Paul Gosselin: GOD gave us original sin to test his children 01:01:59 Jennifer Walters: Amen Paul. 01:02:01 Donna El Haber: Our thoughts create our reality. That's why Dr. Joe Dispenza invites everyone to change the habit of being yourself: https://www.amazon.com/Breaking-Habit-Being-Yourself-Create/dp/1401938094. The same thoughts create the same level of reality. It's in the Secret and so many other spiritual teachings. 01:02:20 Paul Gosselin: Larry is love 01:02:40 Cookie: They want 3 things. Our Faith (Whatever we believe in), our children, our union/community with others. With those 3 things, they can have total control. 01:03:09 Maralyne Catalano: So right, Cookie. 01:03:22 Jennifer Walters: Yes Cookie and they have total access to children thru those stupid ipad things. 01:03:33 Kathy Milchak: Right, Cookie 01:03:48 Kathy Milchak: Love this 01:04:10 Paul Gosselin: HE is lost and thank GOD he is humble Thank you Larry 01:04:39 Bill Hall: Awesome presentation, Carrie 01:05:00 Cookie: It's so sad. I hear many moms and dads talking to their offspring like that. 01:05:14 Susan Corey: Very impactful! 01:05:44 Jennifer Walters: Intention is SO important. Step out on THE WORD! With specific, good intentionsā€¦ 01:06:10 Donna El Haber: In doing two numerology readings today using Dan Millman's book, "The Life You Were Born to Live," I was struck again, as I always am whenever I compute someone's birth date, just how incredibly accurate it is. So we come in with some pre-determined issues that come from astrology, numerology, etc. Then there is your constitution from a homeopathic perspective. And then there is nature and nurture, affected by your environment and by family, friends, traumas, experiences, etc. We hold so many memories, god and bad, in our cells. 01:06:11 Julia B: I talked to my flowering trees earlier this spring telling them it was too soon to bloom when we had these really warm days in February. That theyā€™d have much more beauty if they waited. 01:07:09 Jennifer Walters: Donna that sounds amazing. 01:07:31 Donna El Haber: I always talk to the flowers and trees in our garden and in our greenhouse. 01:08:20 Donna El Haber: Yes Jennifer. Not sure how, but Dan Millman is SO accurate and provides incredibly valuable information for people to do the best they can to navigate the life paths they were destined to travel. 01:08:33 Jennifer Walters: Julia, I speak to my plants everyday, ā€œplease donā€™t die, I am sorry I donā€™t know what I am doing!ā€ lol They somehow surviveā€¦ I think my tomatoā€™s feel bad for me. 01:08:57 Donna El Haber: So many say that there is no such thing as time. There is only the holographic NOW. 01:08:59 Susan Holmes: Must be why I am late oftenšŸ¤£ 01:09:13 Cookie: They want all of our energy. 01:09:38 Susan Holmes: Cookie I need to conserve mine! 01:09:44 Paul Gosselin: Pearls before swine Thank you Carrie 01:09:53 Donna El Haber: Me too Susan. Linear time is never my friend. But supposedly we have the power to expand and shorten it. 01:10:28 Cookie: Susan, we also need to project our energy to attract more and to attract others of the same frequency. 01:12:32 Paul Gosselin: Yes Larry and evil knows this but Christ made of sound mind and Satan tried 01:12:35 Jennifer Walters: This is why the lockdowns were so evil, the bad guys focused on the goodness and love in children by telling them wear a mask or take a shot to ā€œsave grandmaā€. They used that love to turn them against others. So awful. 01:13:46 Cookie: https://www.drwaynedyer.com/blog/5-astounding-recollections-of-heaven-from-children/ 01:15:09 Jennifer Walters: When I was a little girl, around 3-5, I spoke about choosing my family while I was in heaven. 01:16:34 Donna El Haber: One of my teachers sent a link to this video on how our thoughts powerfully create our futures. I haven't had a chance to watch all of it, but it seems very powerful and true: Mirror of the Divine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHS-EM5o5X0. 01:17:06 Cookie: Don't be afraid to learn something OLD! 01:17:33 Jennifer Walters: Yes Cookie! 01:19:11 Donna El Haber: I recently purchase Wayne Dyer's book, "Change Your Thoughts. Change Your Life." I did so because I think Spirit wanted me to do so. There is a bench that my dog and I go to while waiting for my husband to pick us up so I don't have to navigate up a very STEEP hill. The book was there on the bench. I went home and thought I would have it on one of my book shelves. But I didn't have it. So we bought it. Thoughts are so important and it is often not easy to change the habits of who we all are. 01:20:38 Cookie: This is great but I know Dr. Madej has an even to go to so I am sounding the 5 Minute warning. šŸ˜‰ 01:22:04 Donna El Haber: I love and admire Carrie's courage that was present long before the COVID narrative. She was speaking out about transhumanism long before most even understood what that word meant. God it seems sent her to a meeting for her to get that important download. 01:22:25 Cookie: ā¤ļø 01:24:57 Kris Nemelka: When my 8-yr-old grandson asked me why my mother died, I told him that she didn't die. Her body no longer worked, so her spirit had to leave her body. It's like if your house "broke" and you couldn't live in it anymore, you would have to move. Like that, her spirit had to "move." So I don't say she "died," I say she "moved on." He loved that. 01:25:18 Donna El Haber: Bravo to all the 5 Docs for their courage and curiosity. They have been examplars of wisdom and light for all of us. 01:25:27 Teri Rubenstein: So true Dr. P! 01:25:34 Cookie: Dr. Madej, I know you have to go. You both can start to close out 01:25:43 Jennifer Walters: @Kris that is so sweet! I am sorry for your loss. 01:26:22 Teri Rubenstein: This has been an amazing presentation! Thank you Dr. Carrie! 01:26:44 Kris Nemelka: Thank you, Jennifer. She moved on just right before Covid - I'm glad she did, as she was in an assisted living. She couldn't have survived not seeing her family. 01:26:52 Cookie: @Kris that is beautiful. 01:27:13 Kris Nemelka: I have loved, loved this presentation! And the discussion - and Dr. P.'s input! It's been beautiful! 01:27:33 Susan Holmes: ZebulonšŸ˜„ 01:28:17 Jennifer Walters: Kris, My Mommy too. She left us in 2019 right before the madness. She was in assisted living as well. Mom couldnā€™t have survived without seeing her grandkids, she left just in time and is out of pain with Jesus. ā¤ļøšŸ™ 01:28:33 Donna El Haber: Carrie should write an inspirational book about all her amazing experiences and her blessed recovery. 01:28:38 Susan Holmes: Amen dr Carrie 01:28:58 Kathy Milchak: Fantastic blessing this talk has been 01:29:17 Jennifer Walters: Dr Carrie & Dr P you are SO LOVED! 01:29:26 Mary Clary: I've felt prayers healing me as well!! it was amazing! 01:30:04 Kris Nemelka: ā¤ļø to all... 01:30:10 Teri Rubenstein: Beautiful souls 01:30:11 Lisa Goodwin: This has been soooo moving of an evening! You are both amazing gifts to us. Thank you and God Bless you both. 01:30:18 Susan Holmes: Christ said we would be able to more than he 01:30:22 Kathy Milchak: Amen. Same with Covid. Touch/talk/ hug It wasn't happening. 01:30:34 Siegmar Schmidt: Thank you all 01:30:35 Jennifer Walters: Goodnight everyone! Have a wonderful weekend! See yā€™all on the 4th! xoxo 01:30:38 Donna El Haber: Check out all the videos and information on www.ttouch.com. Linda Tellington-Jones has done such amazing work in the world for both people and pets. I am proud to be a Tellington TTouch practitioner for companion animals. 01:30:46 Bruce Bleakley: Cookie: What is e-mail to send questions to for the round table? 01:30:47 Bev Gray: Thank you for a beautiful time. 01:30:47 Donna Smeal: I love hugs! 01:30:47 Bev Gray: Thank you for a beautiful time. 01:30:48 Mark Greenberg: Thank you