
Courses regarding your health and health freedom

Pregnancy Series – Vitamin K

Course description:In the Pregnancy Course, we examine the earliest vaccines, those given duringpregnancy, or shortly thereafter: RhoGAM, Vitamin K and Hepatitis B.Within minutes of birth, infants receive an injection of vitamin K. Recently, parentshave begun to question this necessity of this injection. Why is it given? Is it reallynecessary? Is there another option to a

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Teen Series – Gardasil

Dr, Sherri Tenpenny Course description:In 2006, a new vaccine was released for teens to eliminate human papilloma viral infections, with a promise preventing cervical cancer in girls. In 2014, the use of the vaccine was expanded for use in boys, to prevent cervical condyloma (venereal warts). This was a lofty promise. In fact, Gardasil appears

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