
Our Exclusive Pediatric course series.

Pediatric Series – Tetanus

The first tetanus vaccines were introduced in 1914 and not much has changed in the manufacturing process since that time. The Clostridia tetani spores can only germinate and release tetanospasmin within an anaerobic (oxygen deprived) environment. Therefore, tetanus is a problem of wound hygiene, not a problem associated with vaccination status… [1 Video, Length: 29

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Pediatric Series – Influenza

Each year, the masses are encouraged to rush to their doctors’ offices for their annual flu shot. Thousands of times per week, we told at every turn, “Influenza vaccination is the primary method for preventing influenza and its severe complications.” The message is used to imprint the necessity of the flu vaccine into our collective

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The Stork Course Webinar

This is a webinar where Dr. Tenpenny discussed multiple topics: flat and crooked heads, Hep B and Vitamin K vaccines and supplements. Come on in and learn what Dr. Janet Levatin, a holistic pediatrician, suggests is essential for selecting a pediatrician that is best for your family. [1 Video, Length: 109 min, Access to Forums]

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