Young Adult Series
This is our EXCLUSIVE Series.
We’ve graduated some of the most amazing parents, leaders, and activists and
created an exciting community.
Mini Course Series – What is “Big Pharma?”
Just what is “Big Pharma”? You’ve heard the term on both sides of the vaccine argument, but now it is time for you to wrap your head around the reality of to whom they are referring. How much money do they really make? Why are they so politically motivated? [1 Video, Length: 15 min, Downloadable Material]
In this fast paced world filled with distraction, recent mandates & legislation that impact us all; Learning4You has created a series of short mini-courses (just 15-20 min each) tailored for everyone … from the young adult to the wise elder.
Each mini-course is easy to view & easy to digest yet jam packed with valuable information that you really need to know, now!
Mini Course Series – How are Vaccines Made?
What really goes into a vaccine? Are they all different? Learn some of the terms and what they really mean, like “adjuvant”. Do they really use a placebo or not when testing vaccines? Get what YOU need to know about the vaccine manufacturing process. [1 Video, Length: 15 min, Downloadable Material]
In this fast paced world filled with distraction, recent mandates & legislation that impact us all; Learning4You has created a series of short mini-courses (just 15-20 min each) tailored for everyone … from the young adult to the wise elder.
Each mini-course is easy to view & easy to digest yet jam packed with valuable information that you really need to know, now!
Mini Course Series – How do Vaccines Make Money?
Why is Big Pharma so rich? What are the revenue streams that feed them money? Just how much do they really make and is it all from vaccines? Learn about pre-COVID profits versus what they make now. Buckle up… it gets interesting! [1 Video, Length: 12 min, Downloadable Material]
In this fast paced world filled with distraction, recent mandates & legislation that impact us all; Learning4You has created a series of short mini-courses (just 15-20 min each) tailored for everyone … from the young adult to the wise elder.
Each mini-course is easy to view & easy to digest yet jam packed with valuable information that you really need to know, now!
Mini Course Series – America’s Health Bureaucracy
This course will teach you how to navigate the overly complicated bureaucracy of the United States Health System. Learn the role of the FDA versus the CDC. What is the NIH? How about DHHS? Arm yourself with the knowledge of these entities and how they affect you! [1 Video, Length: 15 min, Downloadable Material]
In this fast paced world filled with distraction, recent mandates & legislation that impact us all; Learning4You has created a series of short mini-courses (just 15-20 min each) tailored for everyone … from the young adult to the wise elder.
Each mini-course is easy to view & easy to digest yet jam packed with valuable information that you really need to know, now!
Mini Course Series – Case Study: COVID
No contemporary discussion about vaccines and Big Pharma is complete without handling the ever-evolving COVID situation. Learn about the coronavirus family and the development of conventional and mRNA vaccines. Discover the key Big Pharma players and the profits they reap during the crisis. [1 Video, Length: 15 min, Downloadable Material]
In this fast paced world filled with distraction, recent mandates & legislation that impact us all; Learning4You has created a series of short mini-courses (just 15-20 min each) tailored for everyone … from the young adult to the wise elder.
Each mini-course is easy to view & easy to digest yet jam packed with valuable information that you really need to know, now!
Mini Course Series – What is “The Science”?
Creators: Jennifer Smith & Anurodh Vaidya
Series 2, Course 1
“Science” does not equal the results of the scientific process or the people doing it; rather “Science” equals the scientific process {the finding of fact, the system of knowledge}.
“Science” is not a conclusion. [ 1 Video, Length: 20:11, Guided Notes]
Mini Course Series – Informed Consent
Creators: Jennifer Smith & Anurodh Vaidya
Series 2, Course 2
What does the phrase ‘informed consent’ mean & why is it vital you understand the details? This course explains it all.
[1 Video, Length: 14:15, Guided Notes]
Mini Course Series – The Immune System
Creators: Jennifer Smith & Anurodh Vaidya
Series 2, Course 3
Our immune system is pretty amazing. Let us begin by reviewing general Information on how to boost your immune system and the information your physician may not share with you.
We will then dive deeper & focus on three sub-topics:
-Strategies to strengthen your immune system
[1 Video, Length: 15:01, Guided Notes
Mini Course Series – The Buying of Science
Creators: Jennifer Smith & Anurodh Vaidya
Series 2, Course 4
We’ve all heard the teams “Follow the Money” & “Trust the Science,” but can those two phrases intertwine? Let us walk you through a process that will connect the dots.
At the conclusion of this course you will gain a realistic understanding of how Big Pharma engineers the culture of our society & our institutions (medical, social, corporate, etc.) with marketing tools vs. factual evidence (The public relations vs. evidence approach).
[ 1Video, Length: 15:50, Guided Notes]
Mini Course Series – Case Study: Vioxx
Series 2, Course 5
One real world example of how the science is manipulated & paid for, leaving the public to pay the price with zero manufacturer, health care provider or regulator (FDA) liability. A deadly risk for Consumers
[1 Video, Length: 10:56, Guided Notes]
Mini Course Series – Smallpox
Creators: Jennifer Smith & Anurodh Vaidya
Series 3, Course 1
There is no clear answer as to what virus was being used in the “Smallpox vaccine” during the main vaccination efforts.
There is a lot of evidence, the eradication of Smallpox happened unrelated to the vaccination efforts.Scarlet Fever also disappeared and the Scarlet Fever toxin vaccine was never widely used. Think about that. Could other factors have been at play?
If you ponder it, questions begin to arise, such as:
– Was SmallPox really eradicated by vaccination?
– Why is SmallPox known as the vaccina virus
– What is the relation to Cowpox? and
– What role does a horse play?
This course answers those questions. [1 Video, Length: ~16 min, Guided Notes, Quiz]
Mini Course Series – Polio
Creators: Jennifer Smith & Anurodh Vaidya
Series 3, Course 1
The story of Polio and polio vaccination has become synonymous with vaccine success, but is it?
What is Polio and is it really as serious as they say?
How is it spread?
Did the inactivation of the virus fail?
What does 0.5% and 0.025% pertain to?
Where did the cancer virus come from?
There are so many questions and not much information readily available. This course will quickly walk you through the facts to uncover and expose the truth. [1 Video, Length: ~15 min, Guided Notes, Quiz]
Mini Course Series – Mumps
Creators: Jennifer Smith & Anurodh Vaidya
Series 3, Course 1
Government fraud, adulterated data, falsely certified results & the mumps vaccine monopoly.
This is one of the most absurd & ridiculous stories of any of the vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule. We examine the motivations behind the creation of the Mumps vaccine & how they fabricated the efficacy of it in order to monopolize the market and deceive the people. [1 Video, Length: ~12 min, Guided Notes, Quiz]
Mini Course Series – Measles
Creators: Jennifer Smith & Anurodh Vaidya
Series 3, Course 4
What do an individual’s
-Health status
-Clean water
-Personal hygiene
-Vitamin deficiency
-Where you live in the world
-Andy Wakefield
have in common? This course puts all of those puzzle pieces together for you!
[1 Video, Length: 15 min, Guided Notes, Quiz]
Mini Course Series – Medical Opposition
Creators: Jennifer Smith & Anurodh Vaidya
Series 3, Course 5
In this 15 minute course you will learn how legacy media & Big Pharma have been incredibly successful in re-writing history & creating a “vaccine religion” based on propaganda vs. relying on solid, reproducible scientific fact to shape:
how society perceives vaccines
the role of vaccines in the elimination of disease
contributions to the overall health of countries around the globe
[1 Video, Length ~15 min, Guided Notes, Quiz]
Mini Course Series – The Vaccine Schedule & Compensation
Creators: Jennifer Smith & Anurodh Vaidya
Series 3, Course 6
You may or may not have heard about the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (known as “The 1986 Act”). When originally designed & passed by Congress, “The 1986 Act” had three main goals.
In this course you will learn about the three original goals, and how they were dramatically manipulated, by unelected bureaucrats, from their original Congressionally approved intent to what they are today.
These changes were not benefit and do NOT protect you.
[1 Video, Length: ~15 min, Guided Notes, Quiz]
Mini Course Series – Introduction to Vaccine Ingredients & Package Inserts
This course defines the common terms found in package inserts, outlines the various sections and guides your navigation of any products’ package insert.
* This is the perfect primer for Dr. Tenpenny’s comprehensive “How to Read a Package Insert” course. {Find the course here: https://learning4you.org/courses/how-to-read-a-package-insert/}
[1 Video, Length ~12 min, Guided Notes, Quiz]
Mini Course Series – Mercury
Creators: Jennifer Smith & Anurodh Vaidya
Series 4, Course 2
Mercury | A documented toxin to the brain & neurologic system; what the heck is it doing in vaccines?
Description: This course delivers a conscience review of the basics of Mercury:
* What is it?
* Timeline of introduction & use
* Has it really been removed from vaccines?
* The link between cumulative Mercury exposure & commonly recognizable health issues plaguing children (and adults)
[1 Video, Length ~15 min, Guided Notes, Quiz]
Mini Course Series – Aluminum
Creators: Jennifer Smith & Anurodh Vaidya
Series 4, Course 3
Aluminum is an adjuvant that is added to vaccines. What is an adjuvant? An adjuvant is used to “wake up” the immune system and help it to build a stronger immune response to whatever is coming through a needle.
But, does it really wake it up or does it irritate it? Are there consequences that are disruptive to our immune system and how does that affect our health?
Dr. Chris Exley, known as Dr. Aluminum, who’s sole scientific focus is the study of the metal Aluminum, has compiled a massive amount of data on this topic.
We cover some of Dr. Exley’s data, discoveries and knowledge, in this information packed, short video. His evidence demonstrates that aluminum has no business being injected into your body and will make you think twice before taking a vaccine.
Do you know which vaccines contain this chemical compound?
[1 Video, Length ~12 minutes, Guided Notes, Quiz]
Mini Course Series – Human & Animal Ingredients
Creators: Jennifer Smith & Anurodh Vaidya
Series 4, Course 4
CONTENT WARNING: This course discusses difficult truths about the harvesting & use of humans and animals in the drug development process.
What are?
These are the names of some of the fetal cell lines contained in vaccines. While companies claim the final products are void of any human element, eradication cannot be achieved, making fetal cell lines present in the vaccines people receive.
Did your provider make you aware of this and are you ok with it? This is known as Informed Consent… which is required, by law.
This course discusses the details of how these human cell lines are obtained and used, while tapping into the resources of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and the National Primate Research Center (NPCR) to show how the animals in research are exploited.
[1 Video, Length ~ 13 min, Guided Notes, Quiz]
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