
Courses regarding your health and health freedom

How to Live Healthy

Dr. Carrie Madej The human body is not simply a collection of individual parts – every cell is inter-connected; every input and/or output has an effect on the entire being – we are created in Gods image to be a beautiful balance of the mind, body & soul. Man made substances cannot & do not

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Are Vaccines Effective?

The expression, “vaccines are safe and effective” is repeated in virtually every article and textbook that wants to only advance the positive aspects of vaccination. As a parent and a patient, we assume that when we hear “vaccines are effective,” it means that the “vaccine will keep me from getting sick.” But is that really

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Are Vaccines Safe?

Vaccines are touted as the most important public health contribution of the 21st century. We are told vaccines are safe; vaccines are effective – i.e. they protect you from getting sick; and that vaccines are so important, vaccines should be mandatory for all. But are vaccines safe? Have then even been appropriately tested for safety?

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How To Read A Package Insert

Course description: Those who admonish others to, “educate before you vaccinate,” general direct new parents to “read the package insert.” This actually is a very good place to start, if you have a medical background. If not, the folded paper that is loaded with many categories, medical terminology and tiny print can be daunting. In

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What About Smallpox?

Nearly every time you begin a conversation with someone who is pro-vaccine or has never given vaccination much thought, the discussion usually starts with, “Well, they eliminated smallpox with vaccines didn’t they?” Did they? What if most of what you’ve known about smallpox and the smallpox vaccine was incorrect? [2 Videos, Length: Vid 1: 37

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